Schools directory of Chandel, Manipur
Chandel has two hundred forty schools. You can check the list of Top schools in Chandel. Click on a school to see its complete details.
86. | Address: Toupokpi District Council, Tampi, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
87. | Address: Chakpikarong Districtcouncil, Khubung Khunou, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
88. | Address: New Wangparal, Purum District Council, New Wangparal (H), Chandel, Manipur - 795127 |
89. | Address: Saibol Joupi (H), Tolbung District Council, Saiboljoupi (H), Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
90. | Address: Wangkhira Districtcouncil, Tonsen, Chandel, Manipur - 795101 |
91. | Address: Headquarter Districtcouncil, Thumtam, Chandel, Manipur - 795127 |
92. | Address: Vomku District Council, Larong Khunou, Chandel, Manipur - 795127 |
93. | Address: Komlathabi Districtcouncil, Komlathabi, Chandel, Manipur - 795135 |
94. | Address: Khuringmul, Komlathabi Districtcouncil, Khuringmol (H), Chandel, Manipur - 795135 |
95. | Address: Aihang District Council, Purum Pantha, Chandel, Manipur - 795103 |
96. | Address: Phiran Machet, Chakpikarong Districtcouncil, Phiranmachet, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
97. | Address: Songjang Districtcouncil, Molpibung, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795101 |
98. | Address: Sajik Tampak Districtcouncil, Paldai, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795101 |
99. | Address: Chakpikarong Districtcouncil, Thorcham, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795101 |
100. | Address: Vomku District Council, Kongpe, Chandel, Manipur - 795135 |
101. | Address: Purum Tampak, Purum District Council, Purum Tampak Villlage, Chandel, Manipur - 795103 |
102. | Address: Tampi, Toupokpi District Council, Hringphe, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
103. | Address: Songjang Districtcouncil, Bongjoi Kuki, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
104. | Address: Songjang Districtcouncil, Khangbarol, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
105. | Address: L. Chahmol, Sajik Tampak Districtcouncil, L.Chahmol, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
106. | Address: Songjang Districtcouncil, Songjang, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
107. | Address: L. Thangkam, Pantha District Council, L.Thangkam, Chandel, Manipur - 795127 |
108. | Address: Songjang Districtcouncil, L. Bonjoi, Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |
109. | Address: Aihang District Council, Leingangching, Chandel, Manipur - 795103 |
110. | Address: Sajik Tampak Districtcouncil, K.Bethel (H), Chakpikarong, Chandel, Manipur - 795102 |