How to solve Wordle 610 of Sunday 19 February'23
Wordle is an addictive vocabulary game played by millions around the globe. Some of the Wordles are not easy to solve. If you are stuck in the game, then you not alone. In this article we will discuss the trending puzzle Wordle #610 of Sunday, 19th February 2023.
Following hints, clues will make it easy to solve the puzzle. Answer of Wordle #610 is provided at the end.
Wordle #610 Clues
1. There are total 2 vowels in this wordle.
2. One letter of this wordle has been repeated 2 times.
3. The wordle is anagram of the word KOSKI.
1. Starting Hint
This hint should get you going. The first letter of this wordle is " K ".
Ok, so K is the first letter of this wordle, try to solve the rest of puzzle. Try to solve with only 1 hint. If you can not solve, then you can scroll down to check the 2nd and 3rd hints.
2. Second Hint
Here is the second hint for you. The last letter of this wordle is " K ".
So the wordle ends with letter K, it should make things a bit easy. No need to read further. If you face difficulty, then you may read further to see the third hint.
3. Hint No. 3
Ok, this final hint should get you going. The middle letter of this wordle is " O ".
So the wordle has letter K in center, it should make things a bit easy. Try to solve with these 3 hints. If you face difficulty, then you can scroll down to read the answer.
Answer of Wordle #610
Not able to crack the wordle #610 even with all hints? Its ok, the puzzle is harder than it looks. The answer to the 19th February wordle is:
You almost had it, right?
So the answer of Wordle #610 is KIOSK. The meaning of this word is: A small enclosed structure, often freestanding, open on one side or with a window, used as a booth to sell newspapers, cigarettes, etc..