Name | TRAVIS EL School |
Grades | Class PK to Class KG |
Address | P O BOX 460 |
City | Memphis |
School District | MEMPHIS ISD |
County | Hall County |
Zipcode | 79245-0460 |
Phone No. | (806)259-5940 |
State | Texas |
Rural | Remote |
Students | 69 |
Teachers | 5 |
Student Teacher Ratio | 15.3 students per teacher |
Charter School | No |
Magnet School | No |
TRAVIS EL School is located at P O BOX 460 in Memphis city of Hall County county in Texas. This school comes under MEMPHIS ISD. You can call them at (806)259-5940 for more details. This is not a magnet school. Total sixty nine students from class PK to class KG study in this school who are taught by five teachers. This is not a charter school. The student teacher ratio of this school is 15.3.