Name | TALIHINA JHS School |
Grades | Class 07 to Class 08 |
Address | Post Office Box 38 |
City | Talihina |
School District | TALIHINA |
County | Le Flore County |
Zipcode | 74571-4571 |
Phone No. | (918)567-2259 |
State | Oklahoma |
Rural | Remote |
Students | 90 |
Teachers | 8 |
Student Teacher Ratio | 11.1 students per teacher |
Charter School | No |
Magnet School | N/A |
TALIHINA JHS School is located at Post Office Box 38 in Talihina city of Le Flore County county in Oklahoma. This school comes under TALIHINA. You can call them at (918)567-2259 for more details. This is not a magnet school. Total ninety students from class 07 to class 08 study in this school who are taught by eight teachers. This is not a charter school. The student teacher ratio of this school is 11.1.