Schools directory of Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh
Kondagaon has two thousand ninety eight schools. You can check the list of Top schools in Kondagaon. Click on a school to see its complete details.
61. | Address: Pipra, Pipara, Keshkal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494230 |
62. | Address: Sonabal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
63. | Address: Kosmi, Koshmi, Jodekera, Baderajpur, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494347 |
64. | Address: Lanjoda, Pharasgaon, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494229 |
65. | Address: Khale Murvend, Khalemurvend, Keshkal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494334 |
66. | Address: Forest Coloney, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
67. | Address: Golawand, Golawad, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
68. | Address: Pharasgaon Ward No - 05, Farasgaon, Pharasgaon, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494228 |
69. | Address: Kuhachi Para Mohlai, Mohali, Mohlai Kuhchipara, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
70. | Address: Banshkot, Banskot, Baderajpur, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494347 |
71. | Address: Mardapal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
72. | Address: Torandi, Makadi, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
73. | Address: Eragaon, Keshkal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494230 |
74. | Address: Pharasgaon Ward No - 03, Farasgaon, Pharasgaon, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494228 |
75. | Address: Mulmula, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
76. | Address: Bazarpara Ward No 5, Bazarpara(K Gaon), Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
77. | Address: Girola, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
78. | Address: Golawand, Golawad, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
79. | Address: Malgaon, Malgao, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
80. | Address: Madanar, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
81. | Address: Vishrampuri, N. P.Vishrampuri, Honawandi, Baderajpur, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494347 |
82. | Address: Sikagaon, Keshkal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494230 |
83. | Address: Dhanora, Keshkal, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494230 |
84. | Address: Bade Bandari, Bade Bendri (Kandki), Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |
85. | Address: Sambalpur, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - 494226 |