Jhornar Char Vlp
School Name | Jhornar Char Vlp |
Address | Salmara Pt-V, Salmara West, Bahir Salmara, Bilasipara, Dhubri, Assam |
Location | Salmara Pt-V |
City | Dhubri |
District | Dhubri |
State | Assam |
Pincode | 783349 |
Category | Primary School |
Block | Bilasipara |
Jhornar Char Vlp is located in Salmara Pt-V, Salmara West, Bahir Salmara, Bilasipara, Dhubri, Assam. Established 38 years ago, this school is a Co-educational and is located in Rural area. This is a Primary school and is currently operational. The school is managed by Unrecognized. This school falls under 022-South Salmara assembly constituency. This is primarily Assamese medium school.
Class I to V | 60 Students |
Total Students | 60 Students |
Total Teachers | 3 Teachers |
Student-Teacher Ratio | 20:1 |
Student-Classroom Ratio | 60:1 |
The school teaches around one hundred students and has 3 teachers to teach them. The school has student-teacher ratio of 20 students per teacher. All of the teachers are appointed on Regular basis. All of the teachers are Male. All of the teachers have Below Graduate qualification. None of the teachers are trained in Computer. The student classroom ratio is 60:1, means on an average sixty students sit in a classroom which is good. There are 60 students in class I to V.
The school is in a private building and it has no boundary walls. The school has total one clasroom. The school has both hand wash facility and drinking water facility for people.