Gurukul Public School English Mediam Pawadewadi Nanded

School NameGurukul Public School English Mediam Pawadewadi Nanded
AddressWadi Bki, Wadi Bk, Nanded, Maharashtra
LocationWadi Bki
CategoryPrimary School

Gurukul Public School English Mediam Pawadewadi Nanded is located in Wadi Bki, Wadi Bk, Nanded, Maharashtra. Established 7 years ago, this school is a Co-educational and is located in Rural area. This is a Primary school and is currently operational. The school is managed by Private Unaided (Recognized). It comes under 86-Nanded North assembly constituency. This school comes under Nanded parliamentary constituency. The first mode of communication is English in the school but Hindi is also spoken during classes.

Class I to V42 Students
Total Students42 Students
Total Teachers2 Teachers
Student-Teacher Ratio21:1
Student-Classroom Ratio8:1

This school has strength of around one hundred students who are taught by 2 teachers. The school has student-teacher ratio of 21 students per teacher. All of the teachers are appointed on Regular basis. All of the teachers are Male. All of the teachers have Below Graduate qualification. Two teachers are trained in Computer. The student classroom ratio is 8:1, means on an average eight students sit in a classroom which is very good. There are 42 students in class I to V.

The school is in a private building and it has barbed wire fencing. The school has total five clasrooms and twelve other rooms. The school has internet facility for students. The school has three laptops, thirteen desktops, one scanner, two printers, one LED, two webcams and four generators in its premises. There are five boys toilets, five girls toilets and twelve cwsn toilets for students. The school has both hand wash facility and drinking water facility for people.

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