Schools directory of Baghmara, Meghalaya
Baghmara has one thousand sixty nine schools. You can check the list of Top schools in Baghmara. Click on a school to see its complete details.
136. | Address: Balkal Asim V.E.C., Mt. Gerajim, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
137. | Address: Nilwagre, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
138. | Address: Balkal Asim, Mindikgre V.E.C., Mindikgre, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
139. | Address: Tengki Badima, Tengkigre V.E.C., Tengkigre, Chokpot, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
140. | Address: Rongtotma, Rongara Block, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794114 |
141. | Address: Rangdokram, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
142. | Address: Gagagre V.E.C., Gagagre, Chokpot, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
143. | Address: Rongaigittim, Rewak, Ronggaigittim, Rongara Block, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
144. | Address: Ampanggre V.E.C., Ampangdamgre, Gasuapara, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
145. | Address: Rongara/Siju Vec, Rongara, Rongara Block, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794114 |
146. | Address: Ramchengga V.E.C., Ramchengga, Gasuapara, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
147. | Address: Daji Adugre, Daji Adugre V.E.C, Daji Teksragre, Chokpot, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794005 |
148. | Address: Randhinigittim, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
149. | Address: Warimasonggital V.E.C., Warima, Rongara Block, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794114 |
150. | Address: Dabram, Dabaram, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
151. | Address: Cherengpara, Gasuapara, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
152. | Address: Kolapara V.E.C., Kolapara, Gasuapara, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
153. | Address: Chokpot V.E.C., Chokpot, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794005 |
154. | Address: Kapasipara V.E.C., Kapasipara, Gasuapara, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |
155. | Address: Gittinggre V.E.C, Balsalgittim, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
156. | Address: Chokpot V.E.C., Dabang Gilmatkolgre, Chokpot, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794005 |
157. | Address: Megapgre V.E.C., Megapgre, Chokpot, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794005 |
158. | Address: Rongchekgre V.E.C., Rongchekgre, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
159. | Address: Dabit Nalsa, Dabitnalsagittim, Dabitnalsa, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794102 |
160. | Address: Darokgre, Gasuapara, Baghmara, Meghalaya - 794103 |