Schools in Ahwa, Gujarat
Ahwa is one of the important cities of Gujarat. It has around four hundred ninety five schools. We have curated list of top schools in the city using multiple parameters to rank the schools.
1. Govt Secondary And High Secondary School- Ahwa
The school at #1 in the list is Govt Secondary And High Secondary School- Ahwa which was established 70 years ago. This school has enrolled over one thousand three hundred students having diverse social backgrounds. The language used to teach students is Gujarati and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
2. Govt Agri High Secondary School Waghai
Next in the list is Govt Agri High Secondary School Waghai. Established 55 years ago, this school teaches around eight hundred students coming from multiple societal factions. The medium of instructions is Gujarati in the school and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
3. Waghai Taluka Shala
Then comes our Waghai Taluka Shala. Established 72 years ago, this school has enrolled over six hundred students having diverse social backgrounds. The medium of instructions is Gujarati in the school and this Upper Primary school is affiliated with Other Board.
4. Ritumbhara Kanya Vidyamandir-Sptr
At no. 4 position is Ritumbhara Kanya Vidyamandir-Sptr. Established in year 1975, the school teaches around six hundred students having diverse social backgrounds. The medium of instructions is Gujarati in the school and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
5. Deep Darshan High School - Ahwa
At position no. 5 is Deep Darshan High School - Ahwa. Established 40 years ago, this school has total five hundred students studying having diverse social backgrounds. The medium of instructions is Gujarati in the school and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
6. Dhavlidod Primary School
Then comes our Dhavlidod Primary School. Established 61 years ago, this school teaches around five hundred students having diverse social backgrounds. The first mode of communication is Gujarati in the school and this Upper Primary school is affiliated with Other Board.
7. Subir Primary School
Then comes our Subir Primary School. Established 64 years ago, this school teaches around five hundred students having diverse social backgrounds. The first mode of communication is Gujarati in the school and this Upper Primary school is affiliated with Other Board.
8. Govt. Higher Secondary School Pipaldahad
Then comes our Govt. Higher Secondary School Pipaldahad which was established 40 years ago. This school teaches around four hundred students coming from multiple societal factions. The medium of instructions is Gujarati in the school and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
9. Secondary Higher School -Pimpri
Then comes our Secondary Higher School -Pimpri which was established 44 years ago. This school has strength of total four hundred students from different sections of society. The first mode of communication is Gujarati in the school and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
10. Eklavya Model Residential High School
Then comes our Eklavya Model Residential High School. Established in year 2000, the school has total four hundred students studying coming from multiple societal factions. The first mode of communication is Gujarati in the school and this Higher Secondary school is affiliated with State Board.
You can also see the complete list of schools on next pages.