Hospitals in Delhi
Delhi has one thousand one hundred eighty hospitals. Click on a hospital to see its complete details.
Name of Hospital | Location |
Area-2 (070604202) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |
Area -6 Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-2 (070607102) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070606901) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-2 (070606202) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-3 (070602102) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
NGO St. John Ambulance Brigade | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070602302) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |
Area-5 (070601003) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |
Area-3 (070601903) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-8 (070607707) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070603802) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-C (070607301) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
MCW Basti Harphool Singh | Kotwali |
Area-2 (070607602) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
MCW Dev Nagar | Karol Bagh |
MH Regar Pura | Karol Bagh |
Area-4 (070602204) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |
Area-2 (070608002) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070602901) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |
MCW Teliwara | Pahar Ganj |
DGD Ballimaran | Kotwali |
IPP VIII Zakhira | Kotwali |
Area-4 (070605801) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070601001) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |