Hospitals in Delhi
Delhi has one thousand one hundred eighty hospitals. Click on a hospital to see its complete details.
Name of Hospital | Location |
Area -1 Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-2 (070607501) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
MCW Kucha Pandit | Kotwali |
MH Shakti Nagar | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070600101) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-1 (070601501) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-1 (070602101) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-C (070600801) Sub-Center | Karol Bagh |
DGD Chamelian Road | Karol Bagh |
Hindu Rao Hospital | Civil Lines |
Area-3 (070607703) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070607901) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area -2 Sub-Center | Kotwali |
MCW Jawahar Nagar | Civil Lines |
MCW Kanchan Puri | Kotwali |
MCW Bagh Kare Khan | Kotwali |
Area-C (070605702) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-3 (070601701) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-2 (070606002) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
Area-1 (070606101) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
MCW Old Rajinder Nagar | Karol Bagh |
Area-2 (070606102) Sub-Center | Civil Lines |
SPUHC Samta Vihar | Civil Lines |
Area-3 (070608205) Sub-Center | Kotwali |
Area-1 (070607001) Sub-Center | Kotwali |